昆仑资源网 Design By www.lawayou.com
复制代码 代码如下:
create table Promotions
activity nvarchar(30),
sdate datetime,
edate datetime
insert Promotions
select '五一促销活动','2011-5-1','2011-5-7'
select '十一促销活动','2011-10-1','2011-10-7'
select 'OA专场活动','2011-6-1','2011-6-7'
create table sales
id int not null,
name nvarchar(20),
saledate datetime,
price money
insert sales
select 1,'王五','2011-5-1',1000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-5-2',2000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-5-3',3000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-5-4',4000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-5-1',1000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-5-3',2000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-5-4',4000 union
select 1,'李四','2011-5-6',1000 union
select 1,'赵六','2011-5-5',1000 union
select 1,'钱七','2011-5-8',1000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-6-1',1000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-6-2',2000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-6-3',3000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-6-4',4000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-6-1',11000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-6-3',20000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-6-4',4000 union
select 1,'李四','2011-6-6',1000 union
select 1,'赵六','2011-6-5',1000 union
select 1,'钱七','2011-6-8',1500 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-10-1',11000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-10-2',12000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-10-3',9000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-10-4',4000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-10-1',11000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-10-3',2000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-10-4',4000 union
select 1,'李四','2011-10-6',27000 union
select 1,'赵六','2011-10-5',9000 union
select 1,'钱七','2011-10-8',3000
-----我们需要找出在每次的促销活动中,其销售总额大于 等于
---------谓词Between 中的子查询确保我们使用了正确的促销日期
select a.name,b.activity,SUM(a.price) as totalprice
from sales a ,Promotions as b
where a.saledate between b.sdate and b.edate
group by a.name,b.activity
having SUM(price)>= all(select SUM(price) from sales a2
where a2.name<>a.name and a2.saledate between
select sdate from Promotions as b2 where b2.activity=b.activity
and (select edate from Promotions b3
where b3.activity=b.activity)
group by a2.name)
---说明: 如果促销活动时间是不重叠的,则promotions表中只有一个主键列,这样在group by
select a.name,b.activity,SUM(a.price) as totalprice
from sales a ,Promotions as b
where a.saledate between b.sdate and b.edate
group by b.activity,b.sdate,b.edate,a.name
having SUM(price)>= all(select SUM(price) from sales a2
where a2.name<>a.name and a2.saledate between
and b.edate
group by a2.name)
---使用cte(sql 2005以后的版本)
with clearksTotal(name,activity,totalprice) as
select a.name,b.activity,SUM(price)
from sales a ,Promotions b
where a.saledate between b.sdate and b.edate
group by a.name,b.activity
select c1.name,c1.activity,c1.totalprice
from clearksTotal c1
where totalprice=(select MAX(c2.totalprice) from clearksTotal c2
where c1.activity=c2.activity)
drop table Promotions
drop table sales
create table Promotions
activity nvarchar(30),
sdate datetime,
edate datetime
insert Promotions
select '五一促销活动','2011-5-1','2011-5-7'
select '十一促销活动','2011-10-1','2011-10-7'
select 'OA专场活动','2011-6-1','2011-6-7'
create table sales
id int not null,
name nvarchar(20),
saledate datetime,
price money
insert sales
select 1,'王五','2011-5-1',1000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-5-2',2000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-5-3',3000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-5-4',4000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-5-1',1000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-5-3',2000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-5-4',4000 union
select 1,'李四','2011-5-6',1000 union
select 1,'赵六','2011-5-5',1000 union
select 1,'钱七','2011-5-8',1000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-6-1',1000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-6-2',2000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-6-3',3000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-6-4',4000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-6-1',11000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-6-3',20000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-6-4',4000 union
select 1,'李四','2011-6-6',1000 union
select 1,'赵六','2011-6-5',1000 union
select 1,'钱七','2011-6-8',1500 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-10-1',11000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-10-2',12000 union
select 1,'王五','2011-10-3',9000 union
select 1,'孙五','2011-10-4',4000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-10-1',11000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-10-3',2000 union
select 1,'张三','2011-10-4',4000 union
select 1,'李四','2011-10-6',27000 union
select 1,'赵六','2011-10-5',9000 union
select 1,'钱七','2011-10-8',3000
-----我们需要找出在每次的促销活动中,其销售总额大于 等于
---------谓词Between 中的子查询确保我们使用了正确的促销日期
select a.name,b.activity,SUM(a.price) as totalprice
from sales a ,Promotions as b
where a.saledate between b.sdate and b.edate
group by a.name,b.activity
having SUM(price)>= all(select SUM(price) from sales a2
where a2.name<>a.name and a2.saledate between
select sdate from Promotions as b2 where b2.activity=b.activity
and (select edate from Promotions b3
where b3.activity=b.activity)
group by a2.name)
---说明: 如果促销活动时间是不重叠的,则promotions表中只有一个主键列,这样在group by
select a.name,b.activity,SUM(a.price) as totalprice
from sales a ,Promotions as b
where a.saledate between b.sdate and b.edate
group by b.activity,b.sdate,b.edate,a.name
having SUM(price)>= all(select SUM(price) from sales a2
where a2.name<>a.name and a2.saledate between
and b.edate
group by a2.name)
---使用cte(sql 2005以后的版本)
with clearksTotal(name,activity,totalprice) as
select a.name,b.activity,SUM(price)
from sales a ,Promotions b
where a.saledate between b.sdate and b.edate
group by a.name,b.activity
select c1.name,c1.activity,c1.totalprice
from clearksTotal c1
where totalprice=(select MAX(c2.totalprice) from clearksTotal c2
where c1.activity=c2.activity)
drop table Promotions
drop table sales
昆仑资源网 Design By www.lawayou.com
广告合作:本站广告合作请联系QQ:858582 申请时备注:广告合作(否则不回)
昆仑资源网 Design By www.lawayou.com
3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。